Thursday, December 4, 2008


Moses spent hours in this box today pretending it was a train. He even ate his lunch and a snack in it!Moses has a very fun and quirky personality. He often leaves me speechless or in stitches with comments that he makes. I like to call them "Mo-isms". I will probably be posting these quite frequently! Here are some from the recent past:
  • I bought him Lightning McQueen pull-ups when attempting to get him interested in going by himself. I told him that Lightning McQueen would be so sad if he peed or pooped on him. A while later when he did his business in his pull-up, I said, "Why did you poop on Lightning McQueen, and he responded, "Lightning McQueen pooped on me!"
  • I was trying to get Moses in his car seat in the car and he wouldn't go in. He looked at me and said, "Mom, you have 2 choices. I can sit in the front and help you drive, or sit in the back by myself. Which one?"
  • His latest quote is to mom or dad when they are telling him what to do. He says "Your not the boss of the house!"


The Clawsons said...

sooooooooooo excited you're finally posting!!! maybe the blog will help pacify trin in between grace viewings.

Shannon Powell said...

Hi Sara!!! Your family is so cute! How the heck are you all? Love the blog. You can check out ours. Keep in touch!