Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is our sweet boy Miles. We are reminded quite frequently just how amazingly nice he innately is. One such story occurred the other night. The kids wanted to take their report cards to Krispy Kreme to get 6 free donuts each. We all got complimentary donuts because the HOT sign was on and then Isaiah, Grace, and Miles each got six free donuts. Miles went around and shared a donut with everyone. He gave one to mom, dad, and Moses. Then he asked Isaiah and Grace if they wanted one. Isaiah said "sure," and Grace said that she didn't need one because she had her own. When we left Krispy Kreme Miles had no donuts left. Grace left with 4 and Isaiah came home with is full half dozen. We are amazed by his generosity every day. Another one of my favorite stories about Miles happened one day on the way to church. He had collected his tithing, filled out his tithing slip, and put it into an envelope. When we got to church I looked down and noticed that he had drawn a heart on the back of his envelope. I asked him why he did that. He said that he drew the heart so that when the Bishop gave his tithing to Heavenly Father that He would know that he loved him. That was the sweetest thing ever!


Emily said...

Okay Sara so that tithing story made me tear up a little. That's too cute. :) Miles is such a sweet boy.....and we're still hoping he wants to marry Morgan in 15 years.

Mills Family said...

What a sweet boy! And, that is the cutest picture of him.