Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Every April we have Stake Conference at the Ogden Tabernacle. This year it happened to land on Easter. We always stay a while afterward and enjoy the grounds of the temple. It has become a tradition to take pictures afterward. I have to tell everyone that Isaiah was NOT happy with having to wear a pink tie. I usually buy the kids new Easter clothes, but this year we are trying to cut back on a few things and so I had the kids wear these ties that they wore last summer at their Uncle Ben's wedding. The girls have dresses on that they each got for their birthday. The combination worked out really well, I think. Here is one of just the kids. I love how Moses looks like he is having so much fun, when really he wasn't!
Here is the whole family pick. We all need to get a tan, especially me!
I have started to take more pictures of Nate and I together. When I got on Facebook I was trying to find a picture of us to upload and I couldn't find anything recent. Since one of us always takes the pictures, there usually isn't a picture of us together. We have started letting the kids take them. They do a pretty good job.
Here is a little collage of pictures of the kids. I usually like to take them by the flowers on the temple grounds, but there weren't any this year. Probably because we are still getting cold temps and even snow!


Emily said...

I love the idea of staying around after Stake Conference. We ususally are the 1st ones out, and skidding out of the parking lot because we're so tired of battling with our kids. Your family is very well behaved, and you guys are VERY neat parents. We look up to you a lot.

Mills Family said...

What a beautiful family! And, the kids look great in their outfits, including the pink ties!