Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pinewood Derby

This year was Isaiah's first pinewood derby. He made his car with the assistance of his den leaders, but he really did most of the work by himself. I can't believe how into these things dads can get. There were some really tripped-out cars at the event. Isaiah came in 2nd in his den out of 3 boys. His car placed 2nd to last in the whole cub scouts. It sounds like the den leaders may need to get some manuals or something on how to make cars that go fast! Just kidding. They did a way better job than Nate or I could do. This is our second picture attempt of the night. Isaiah swears that he doesn't know how to smile. He hates getting his picture taken these days. I think he smiled pretty good here! By the way, I told him that I would not be taking any pictures of him unless he smiles.
Here is the creation. He described it to me as being a triangle-shaped car that was colored in many colors. His favorite number is 52, hence the number of the car.

1 comment:

jennywren said...

We get to have Bryson's first pinewood derby in a few weeks! They passed out the derby kits last week at our Blue & Gold Banquet and you should have heard all the men talking about how they had the "perfect" design. It's giong to be interesting. :) Isn't it crazy how old our kids are getting?
(Hope you don't mind my leaving a comment--I'm not sure if I have on yours before but I find it through Emily Bailey's or Nicole Mill's blogs...feel free to check mine out too if you want)