Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Concert

The parade that we were in was at the very beginning of the show. We were able to change our clothes pretty quickly and then went to our great seats for the fireworks show and the concert. We sat on the field and had a pretty good view of everything. I think all of our kids were so tired. I was looking around at all the families around us and they were all happy and dancing around and enjoying themselves. I looked around at my family and practically every child had a crying breakdown at some point. Maybe we just outdid ourselves that day! Here are the Jonas Brothers! They gave a great show!
Here is our sweet Miles. He really did enjoy himself that night. He must have gotten his sleep. He looks so happy here.
Here is Nate with a very tired little girl. She did end up falling asleep at some point during the night. The fireworks woke her up later though.
This was how Isaiah looked all night. I can't remember why he was in such a bad mood. I was hoping he would have enjoyed himself more! Maybe he was thinking that the Jonas Brothers was for girls!
Here is how I was all night. All of the kids took turns laying on me. No wonder I have to go the chiropractor weekly for the rest of my life! Notice that Ella is knocked out.
Here is Grace trying to stay warm under the American flags. It got kind of cool later on in the evening.
Moses fell asleep during the concert. He stayed asleep during the fireworks and all the way being carried to the car. He must have been really tired. It is really uncomfortable to lay on that scratchy AstroTurf!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Was this at the Stadium of Fire? You guys looked like you had fun - although it DID look like everyone was pooped. :) the Jonas Brothers are a pretty big deal! You and Nate are the coolest parents ever.