Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stadium of Fire

We had the opportunity to be involved in the Stadium of Fire 4th of July celebration this year. We were all really excited to see Glenn Beck and of course The Jonas Brothers! Nate's brother's girlfriend's sister-in-law was in charge of a little parade of families representing different era's during the July 4th holiday. We were chosen to represent the WWII era. We were fortunate to have the Hale Center Theater outfit us with costumes and that was a real treat. If I'm being honest, we didn't really have the best time. Moses and Ella were extremely cranky and I thought the whole time that we should have just stayed home! Looking back I think that it was a good experience for the kiddos. Hopefully they'll remember something positive from it!Here are the kids all ready to go. There was a lot of waiting around and they were getting pretty impatient. Moses was upset because he couldn't have a gun to mess around with.
Here is Isaiah as a WWII cowboy! They loved playing with those wooden guns!
Grace was enamoured by this whole event. You know my kids goal in life is to someday "be famous!" They thought that since a whole stadium of people were watching us, we had become just that!
Here is sweet Ella holding a flag. She really wasn't being sweet this night, but in her defense she was cutting all of the 6 teeth that she has at that time. I just didn't know that yet so I wasn't very patient.
Here is our tough little sailor! Moses was really upset the entire night because he got a silly little toy that he didn't like to play with. He wanted the big boy props that his brothers got. Little things like that can really set him off for hours!
Here is our scout! Miles really enjoyed his costume because he is so excited to start up Cub Scouts when he turns 8. I think he felt like a really big boy that night. He was actually the only child that loved every minute of the night. He just took everything in and really enjoyed himself!
Here is our policeman taking care of business. There was a little sailor who went around trying to steal other kids guns!
Here is Grandma Pack with the kids!
Here is the whole family. Don't we look so happy? We have learned to fake it really good for pictures! No, we had a great experience that night and thanks to Diana for making it all possible!

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