Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Miles!

Miles' birthday always sneaks up on us. I tried really hard to plan a special day for him this year. I always give my kids a choice for their birthday's: they can either get a big present from mom and dad, or they can have a birthday party with friends. Our more social children always choose a birthday party. It makes sense: they get a lot of presents! Miles invited 12 kids to his party, 8 of which were girls. After making invitation phone calls to friends at school, I have learned that Miles has a girlfriend and that they hold hands at recess and on field trips. We now refer to Miles as "The Ladies Man." He gets really mad and embarrassed. He just "likes girls as friends," he says. Nate was in charge of the games. He is so good at keeping the kids attention. He came up with the idea of having the kids make their own BINGO cards, drawing characters from Shrek. I didn't think this was a good idea, but left the planning to Nate. It ended up being really fun. The kids' pictures were really creative and they ended up having a lot of fun. Nate is VERY talented with those kids, and Sara is very grateful for that!
We ate hot dogs, chips, carrots, and root beer floats. All of Miles' favorite things.
Here is Miles with his birthday cake. Can you believe that he is already 6 years old!
Some of Miles' favorite presents were these Lego sets. He loves to build things. He spent the evening after his party building this helicopter, truck, and trailer. Some other presents he received was a soccer ball, a over-the-door basketball hoop, a soccer sit-and-bounce ball, a dragon, a Nerf gun, a storm trooper costume, moon sand, and other candy and novelties. He had a great birthday and is enjoying getting BIGGER!


Jaime said...

Hi Sara! I have loved reading back through your blog to see what you guys are up to. Your kids have grown soo much! And they are all adorable. Loved your Christmas card, too. If only I were that on the ball...

Yvette said...

I loved your Christmas card too. It's fun to read your blog and check up on you guys. It's weird but reading some of the blogs from girls in my ward have made me feel closer to them. I know what's going on in their lives so much better than hi and bye! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! You have a beautiful family!
P.S. Love the pictures of Nate and the stache:)

B-Blogit said...

HA that is so funny guess you are going to have your handsfull with dating with him later in life huh!