Saturday, December 20, 2008

A White Elephant Gift?

Nate came up to me a couple weeks before Christmas and told me that he wanted to tell me what he got me for Christmas. I hate a spoiled surprise, and being a mom you don't really get to open that many presents on Christmas. He said that he HAD to tell me because he wanted to use part of the gift for a work party white elephant gift. First of all, he should not be giving away part of MY gift, and more importantly, any gift he buys me should not be appropriate for a white elephant gift! Well, he spoiled my surprise and told me that he got me a Snuggie! I am always cold while watching TV and reading and we have cracked up at the infomercial together. I told him that he needed a Snuggie too and then we could be on the couch together with our Snuggies!I have tried to convince Nate over the last month that we need to take a picture with us in our Snuggies on the couch together. It would be fun for the blog and for our memories. He refuses! The nerve! He buys me a present and then won't take a picture of it. I improvised and came up with this. I originally pictured Nate with a cheesy smile holding the TV remote.
This is actually exactly how I pictured myself in the picture. I just wanted to get Nate and I on the couch together, but I'm not that good at Photoshop. Our next experiment is to play Rock Band with them. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

I love it! Jeff and I always giggle at those commercials, too!