Monday, December 29, 2008

Las Vegas Baby!

Well, we didn't do the typical Las Vegas things because we've seen most of it before and we have children with us. So on this day we ventured over to the Children's Museum. This museum was really fun and the kids enjoyed it a lot. One of the bizarre things about it was that there was some sort of homeless shelter connected to it. There was a room where a bunch of homeless people were watching a movie, and then right outside the entrance was a smoking area. I guess I'm used to living in my Utah bubble. Don't get me wrong, we've seen a lot of homeless people around here, but they just aren't hanging out by the Children's museum. After the museum we had to hit In and Out to each lunch. We are a SCENE every time we go eat somewhere with our big clan. Nate's sister is prego and has 5 kids and we have our 5 kids. That's not including the 4 uncles and Grandma and Grandpa. People look at us like we are crazy. We probably are! The next stop was at the FAO Schwartz in the MGM Casino. It is a huge toy and candy store that my kids love to play in. Here is Miles playing on the big huge floor piano at the toy store. Isn't he handsome? I'll tell ya, he is going to break a lot of hearts. Well, actually he probably won't, he's too nice!
Here are Grace and Moses at the Museum. They spent a good amount of time in the theater area. Grace was a princess and Moses was trying to stuff himself into this Mickey Mouse costume. They made up several plays and are VERY dramatic!
Isaiah and his cousin Dennis got to roll around in some wheel chairs at the museum.
Moses and his cousin Joseph got to play basketball!
Here's Ella with her signature tongue that happens to always come out for pictures. She was a trooper all day with no nap!

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