Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Pedi?

Ella likes to hang out in my bathroom while I am getting ready for the day. She always opens all of the cabinets under the sink and empties them. I hate the mess, but usually just let her so that I can get ready. She recently found my stash of nail polish and carries it around. I decided to show her what it was the other day. She must of been really interested because she sat perfectly still while I painted her nails. For those of you who know Ella that is REALLY out of character. I don't think I'll have that much luck next time! Here is a picture of the final product.


lieslbmarie said...

LOVE her chubby, little feet!! What a cute pic. and a great memory! Hey-how's the running going? I haven't been for a couple weeks....my knees SUCK!! If you go this week and want some company, let me know..

Amie said...

Oh my goodness! What a cute little thing. I can't wait to be able to do things like this with my little girl I am so excited!