Saturday, April 25, 2009

Moses Fractures His Foot

OK, here's the situation...I am sitting at the computer reading some emails when Moses crawls in the back door kind of whimpering a bit. I have never heard Moses whimper and I thought that he was pretending to be a dog or something. He comes over and tells me that his foot hurts. I play along and give him a million kisses on his foot and ask if it is all better now. He says NO, it still hurts. I lay him on the couch and give him an ice pack just to comfort him a little. I get on with my afternoon making dinner and cleaning up the kitchen and such. A few HOURS later I notice that Moses is still crawling around. I put him on my lap and mess around with his foot for a little bit. I yank it back and forth from side to side and up and down. I turn it around and around. No complaints. I give it a little squeeze and I get a, "that hurts mom." I put him in bed and that's that. The next morning he is still crawling around and won't put any weight on his foot. I happen to be talking to a friend and mention that he won't walk and she suggested that his foot was broken. Broken? There is nothing visibly wrong with his foot: no swelling, no bruising, no pain when I push and pull on it. She said that her neighbor's kid broke her arm and the only way they knew was that she stopped using it. So, I took him the the Instacare and hung out for a while. We watched a movie, played games, and read some books in the waiting room. Then we finally got it examined and x-rayed. Sure enough, his metatarsal under his big toe is fractured at the top. He needs a cast. They let him choose the color and he is just as happy as can be. He gets a little sucker and a squishy ball from the vending machine and we are on our way. No crying, no complaining, just a happy little boy with a cast! Here is the final product. He crawled around for a couple hours and then realized that he could walk on it and just took off. Now the problem is keeping him from going outside when the grass is wet! Oh, by the way, apparently Moses decided to take a jump from the top of the plastic toddler slide that we have in the back yard. That is how he fractured his foot. This is the story via Miles, a spectator, and Moses.
Here is the happy boy with his loot from the doc. He was just as happy as can be. Totally opposite of the experience with Grace breaking her arm earlier this year. I'm very thankful for that!

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Yeah! I'm glad that he feels better! He sounds very active! I dont have any of those at my house:)
We havent had anyone break anything yet. Just cut their heads open. I better knock on wood.