Friday, August 7, 2009

My Little Baby is Growing Up!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kind of sad that Ella is getting so big. Usually I look forward to the time that my kids can do more for themselves and rely less on me. Just today Ella has started talking to me for minutes at a time. I can't understand a word, but she'll just babble at me like she is having a conversation. She'll come tell me things and she'll just babble and babble. So sweet. Then, the past couple of days, whenever she has messed in her pants she'll bring me the baby wipes. None of my other kids ever did that! Is this a sign that she is going to be a potty training genius? I could use one of those about now! On a side note, Grace said something really funny yesterday. Moses was spinning around and around in a circle and started to fall over and his foot hit Grace right in the crotch area. Grace immediately fell to the ground and exclaimed, "Moses kicked me in my stuff!" She isn't raised with all boys or anything! I tried to explain to her that she doesn't really have "stuff," but she didn't really get it. Do I sense a talk in the near future?

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