Monday, October 26, 2009

Ward Fall Carnival

For the last few years our ward has had a fall carnival instead of a trunk-or-treat. The youth run all of these fabulous games for the kids and we have a chili and pie cook off for dinner. This year they had ward members show off their homemade goods as well. It was a really fun and successful night!
One of the stations was a picture taking station. We couldn't find Isaiah for this one, but thought the other kids looked pretty good. I think that Ella was trying to escape. She ended up being in the picture with the bishopric as well because she wouldn't get off of the oxen!
A ward member gave me this picture that she took of Grace at the doughnut eating contest. Look at that tongue!
I got the award for the "Beaniest Chili" at the ward fall carnival this year. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not. At least I got a Halloween towel and a box of candy out of it. I did like that I had snuck in several veggie purees and nobody knew about that. It had sweet potatoes and cauliflower in it. I love being sneaky with my vegetables!

1 comment:

alananddanielle said...

Way to go hiding those vegetables in your chili. I've been wanting to learn how to do this and even bought a cookbook about it. I'll have to hit you up to show me how you do it all.