Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Family Pictures

It has been a long time since I took individual pictures of the kids. It has been well over a year! With little Ella that seems to change over night, I was feeling really guilty that I hadn't taken pictures of her in a while. Since we were at my parents and they had this fantastic brick wall in their backyard, we opted for a more "urban" look.
Here is the family picture of choice. I thought that everyone looked pretty good in it! I was wishing Grace was more down on Nate's level and Miles down a little too, but you can't be took picky when taking your own pictures. We probably needed the height anyway to make the picture the right size. Thanks to Kelli for taking our family picture. She did a great job!
Isaiah claims now-a-days that he doesn't know how to smile. We had to say a few of our choicest potty jokes to get this laugh/smile out of him. I think he looks great!
Grace is anxious for her new picture because she didn't like last years. It is amazing how things change after over a year. She had all baby teeth in her last picture, now she looks so grown up with her big ones.
Miles is our photogenic one. He is really easy to get to smile and just enjoys getting pictures taken.This is such an awesome picture. I love the little mischievous glint in his eyes. He's a funny kid.
And last but not least... Ella. She did pretty good for a 20-month-old. We had to snap fast and had to keep distracting her so that she wouldn't pull out the flower in her hair.

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