Friday, October 9, 2009

Black Island Farms

Moses' preschool had a field trip to Black Island farms lined up for the end of September. It got rescheduled to another date in October because of snow! Haven't had much since, but snow the last week of September depressed me. Anyway, the field trip got rescheduled to a day that my other kids didn't have school. They were so excited to be able to go because we never do anything like this because it costs so much. I was practically free on this day.
Here is the gang with their pumpkins straight out of the patch. Isaiah had to search and search for an original. He finally found one!
"Mom, why are you taking a picture of me holding an onion? I hate onions! When I see one tiny onion in my dinner I won't eat any of it!"
"I love carrots, can we take these home?"
I love when Moses winks. Here is a good one on the ride back from the pumpkin patch.
Here's a photo op at the entrance to the play area. My kids were really sick of taking pictures at this point.
Kids on the teeter totters. Ella tried a few times, but kept slipping off.
They have this barrel ride with a tractor pulling the train. Just a casual ride!
Here are the girls attempting the big slide together. Thanks to Grace, Miles, and Isaiah for helping Ella with all of the slides.
Do we dare go down? They boys could have gone down these slides for hours. I was really nervous to go somewhere with all of the kids by myself. I don't really attempt that much anymore because of how difficult it can get. The three older kids were really big helpers this time making it much easier. We also endured the huge corn mazes that they had. They were Edward and Jacob mazes. Isaiah and Miles went off on their own through the big maze and I took the other kids on the little one. I started having visions of losing my boys in the corn maze when it took Isaiah and Miles so long to get back, but it all worked out. We actually had a great time.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I know I tell you this all the time, but Isaiah cracks me up. I love his face holding that onion. He looks like a mini-Nate. Love it.